Analytics Alpha
In the digital world, everything has become data. Regardless of the type of industry, it is Business, accounting, education, science, engineering, healthcare, technology, energy sector, government, all rely on data analysis for decision making.
The demand for skilled data analysts is so high that job posting is higher than the availability of professionals in the field. With our Analytics Alpha program, you can learn the most important tools required to become a data scientist.
Suitable for freshers & Experienced
Analytics Alpha, 144 hrs
Advanced Excel, 24 hrs
Introduction to advanced excel
Data tab (advanced sort & filter, what if analysis, data validation)
Functions (Text, logical, look-up & advanced functions)
Dynamic charts and Pivot tables
VBA / Macros(Sub routines, Loops, UDFS)
User forms
SQL, 16 hrs
Introduction to SQL
Basic relational database management concepts (SQL commands, Normalisation, 1NF, 2NF..)
Concept of table (create, import, check tables & select, insert, update, Delete function)
Data-base functions (group by, count, where option, mathematical and scalar functions, primary key constraint)
Python, 24 hrs
Introduction to Python
Using Python – The basics
Plotting data
Data Wrangling
Data Aggregations and group Operations
Tableau, 16 hrs
Base Analytics, 32 hrs
Digital Analytics, 16 hrs
Basics of data visualization
Getting started with Tableau
Connecting to data
Filters / Parameters
Basic views
Advanced view
Customising views
Data Blending
Deploy and Publish workbooks
Introduction to Analytics
Descriptive analytics
Statistical testing
Regression and correlation
Modelling techniques
R, 16 hrs
Introduction to Google Analytics
Creating a lead generation campaign
Creating a lead generation campaign on Facebook
Basic R programming
Advanced R programming